Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Dreamhearts 1&2

With you, In that window seat, that smells of newfound hope, where you leaned your head, next to me, whispering an eternal melody, while your breath danced circles around my neck, before melting your name to my skin; this very skin that is burning holes for you, urging you to persuade the wind off my feet to carry me and dance to longtime coming; to joy. again, again and again.


Silence stretched before us, between the distant gaps of longing looks; breathing became steady patience. I leaned forward, he froze. I froze too. we promised to make it worth the wait. a promise that is heavy with a foreignness, our bodies won't understand. lust dwelled in my fingertips. I seemed to have lost myself to his shadow again. words unspoken, I caught a few glowing my soul. my eyes dared to translate; subtle mouth emotions. 'here' my heart's awakening: 'I belong to only you'. he drowned me deeper into his water. singing tunes I never knew. 

'I love you'
'I love you' 

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