Saturday, April 4, 2015

How To Do This Again

Its been so long.

Oh, sorry. I've mistaken you for somebody else.

I miss this. typing. brushing my fingers on a keyboard, playing dress up with words, and being the all in corny. but in charge!

So this has been what you can call a breeze-er. an awkward first handshake with an old mate, who's been feeling quite rejected for a long while, but is too cool to admit it. (too personal, abort abort)

A lot has happened since January, I've wrote a little, cried a lot, learned and carried myself. I haven't mentioned it before, I've been working as a teacher, quitted only recently (as in a month ago) honestly, I want to write about my experiences in the school, I have met so many brave bright and beautiful young girls, who I have connected with so much, it was truly a sad day for me, when I had to leave, the love I have for them, the love they have shown me, I was immersed in blessings, gratitude fills me, till this day. Bless them girls!

Oh, I got a twitter (lets rip the band-aid off, and get it over with) if we had ever encounterd in life, the first thing you'll fetch about me is, I am (oddly proud) not in any social network. The incessant communication, and constant messaging makes me want to rib the hair off my very ends! but to my surprise, I like twitter, or should I say, *liked it for the first month, going bald, send all the help.

Blog Person. Because. Imagine. A. Cave.


Before I run-off, I'd like to add to this pointless space:

I've missed you. have you lost some weight? 

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