Wednesday, January 1, 2014



The year of smiling and eye-contact. The year of kindness demonstrated through acts. The year of bringing family together and realising that I like that. The year of transforming ordinary into art. The year of digging more. The year of crying more. The year of shutting down. The year of being around. The year of moving on. The year of erasing all whys. The year of writing stories with no explanations. The year of controlling any chocolate cravings. The year of understanding myself better. The year of loving myself better. The year of pictures and collages. The year of self reliance.The year of looking forward to whats to come. The year of romance and love. The year of learning. The year of failing. The year of learning again. The year of confusion and untwisting. The year of bad rhymes and pretend rap. The year of solitude found in hip-hop. The year of questioning. The year of discovering. The year of writing about anything. The year of music. The year of more books and movies. The year of painfully unfunny. The year of telling the jokes anyway. The year of rediscovering passion and fire. The year of letting go. The year of taking it slow. The year of laughter. The year of forgiveness. The year of recognising worthiness. The year of all good things to be. The year of embracing the weirdo in me. The year of more bad rhyming. The year of the same yet different. The year of bliss from within. The year of appreciating the little things. The year of giving. The year of all things good to be will come to be eventually. The year of happy, thank you and more please; for this year to be. 

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