Saturday, November 9, 2013

A lovers dialogue pt.5

Break Ups: #1

'So you all the time' 

Girl: I think we should be friends

Guy: *laughs* Oh is that so?!

Girl: See? this is exactly what I mean when I say you don't take anything I say seriously!

Guy: Yeah, because what you're saying is bullshit

Girl: Why do you have to be 'so you' all the time?

Guy: That 'other me' is unfortunately taken today

Girl: God! you make me so angry sometimes; I can't do this anymore

Guy: You don't have to do a thing, babe. Its not like you ever did

Girl: What does that supposed to mean?!

Guy: Exactly what you think it means

Girl: Why do you always have to be so horrible?

Guy: I just say it how it is

Girl: So I guess this is a massive Piss Off to being friends then

Guy: Why do you want to be friends, if I'm so horrible?

Girl: I don't want to lose you from my life

Guy: Do you actually hear yourself when you talk?!

Girl: I'm being honest with you

Guy: No, you're not. You're being scared

Girl: What if I am?

Guy: That's not my problem anymore

Girl: It never was

Guy: Now you're just being a liar

Girl: Did you ever care, honestly?

Guy: If I didn't, I wouldn't be sitting here right now getting dumped

Girl: I never wanted for it to end this way 

Guy: I know

Girl: Well, isn't there anything you want to say?

Guy: No use in saying anything now

Girl: There never was any use to anything with you

Guy: *laughs* Never stop being 'so you' all the time

Girl: *laughs* I'll keep that in mind for the next time 

Guy: You should

Girl: If theres any chance we can work it out...

Guy: Theres nothing to work out, its over

Girl: *giggles* I thought I was the one doing the break up 

Guy: Oh right! well, continue, its not you its me, coming up next?

Girl: Stop stealing my lines!

Guy: But I'm so horrible, how can I not?

Girl: *laughs* I guess I should wrap this up before the table turn again 

Guy: Yeah you really should

Girl: Well, good luck and have a great life, asshole 

Guy: *laughs* Cheers

-The end- 

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