Friday, November 22, 2013


'bokra ahlaa'

They tell you to remember the memories you made with someone, because that's the one sustainable thing you will have once that person has left your life. I never had to worry about that; though I have managed to make memories whenever I had the chance, and wherever I went, I never had to worry about people passing me by, because I was usually the one pushing them aside and leaving them behind. It's not easy for me to open up, I bottle my feelings somewhere I can't have access to and I pretend they're not even there, and that's been my defence mechanism ever since I was fourteen years old... You'd think time could manage a wounded rhyme? Well I'm still waiting. 

I lost someone recently; someone very dear to my heart, a woman that left an impact on me I wasn't even aware of its depth until she passed away. I'm a carefully closed person; and I say that for a reason, I've already stated that it's difficult for me to talk about my feelings and so when the news had came like it was expected to come, I found myself accepting it without even a second shrug and I even managed to produce a lie: I've already made my peace with it a long time ago. The days that followed were somewhat of a blur, between the sudden moments of it hitting me, to the moments of complete and utter disbandment; how is this even fair? to the moments of me denying it even happened. What I remember most is me not giving myself time to indulge in anything, I sought distractions wherever I found any, it was almost like my defence mechanism was just lurking in the corner, and as soon as I've heard, my disguise was made-up and prepared... You'd think time would wear that ole thing down? Well I'm still waiting. 

A pure heart and a warm spirit; a spirit that truly shines on everyone, a heart that has an ability to love beyond any and everything, There's not a day that passes that I don't miss her; perhaps today more than ever, because I've finally decided to write and indulge further. I have no bad memories with her, and I can't help but think that this was the gift she left me with; and not just me but everyone. A woman that never gave up on love or the good that life has to offer even though she suffered half of hers. A woman that remembered all the birthdays and made sure to make you certain of how much love is surrounding you. A woman that always said that no matter what tomorrow always brings whats best. A woman that   held such strength that I don't think I'll ever know the real amount of. A woman that always encouraged and listened to me even when I had nothing to say. A woman that took a piece of everyone and kept it safe and covered. A woman that no words would ever be enough to hold her weight or the impact she made. A woman that loved and was loved by everyone. A woman that was all and every woman. A woman I want to see myself resembling. A woman that taught me to be an open book isn't a thing to be scared of because of fear of being misunderstood. A woman that lived half her life carrying an illness that failed to slow her down. A woman that lived her life loving people and showing them what warmth and love is truly like. 

A mother and an aunt; but preferred to be a friend above all that. I don't know how I'll come to cope or deal with any of that; since I feel like a huge part is missing, how was she able to fill such a huge gap? I can only remember what she was like, the only woman that made me think twice about the way I chose to live my life, and contemplate a way to bring my truest self out. If love alone could've saved her then she would have never died. But since everything is a test or a testament of some kind; though I know this once, the answers would be hard to find... I'll wait and I'll be waiting every time. 

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