Monday, December 9, 2013


"You don't know me" she stood up demanding
The vague affection of the last man standing
Little miss understood got him asking
What is that ugly truth she's hiding
She's a mystery, but he's tired of trying
Chasing dead ends and her protectant lying
If she summons me; his thoughts were clouding
To break her walls and the barriers of confining
Will I be present? his thoughts were racing, finding
The line of communication that is always distracting
Wear back your passion, and come out of hiding
This griming despair isn't satisfying
"You don't know me" she kept on demanding
I seek an understanding, behind all that talking and grinding
Inhibitive in her way, there is no landing or crashing
Alone by nature, and there's no point in knowing
She spilled her secrets to someone who wasn't even looking 

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