Friday, December 27, 2013

Oh the irony (Until next time)

"Your writings are very confessional
 I can almost taste your words
And what a bittersweet 
taste that is" 

"Nah, I'm just a ho 
with too much time in her hand"

2013 can suck it. I have been looking for meanings everywhere these past couple of days, yet somehow, ended up suffocating myself with the usual 'what if this was that instead of how it is now?' does that even make sense? My brain tends to function in its own way, I have managed to read three books simultaneously; without actually finishing any, but I have acquired new information in a faster rate than I would've had if I was being a goody two shoes square with one at a time (apply sexually charged something here, for all the perverts) Hey, I'm just getting started... 

Have you ever googled something, only for the sake of googling it, yet somehow found yourself in page no. 9 of the search pages? (let's face it, if you go passed the first page, then you're desperate) I did that the other day (other day could mean any day; used here to imply a sense of suspense, also my memory tend to suck sometimes) anyway, I found myself googling 'How to be happy?' with the question mark included to imply that it was a rather series question and not a rhetorical one (which BTW I happen to love!) So yeah, back to my point (if there was any in the first place) Google gave me a list of steps to follow, a bunch of pictures of plain faces and fake smiles and I sat there wondering; Well, is this it? 

It was. As much as it pains me to say (I really don't like that phrase, pain is always private, keep it that way!) Google didn't help me, the way it did with all those late-night assignments and essays I used to write in the last minute (it's never good to do that, you shouldn't do that. Hi, kids!) I sat there wondering, well if Google couldn't help then it must be a helpless case, aye? 

It wasn't. As I sat there, deleting the search history (Get your mind out of the gutter... wait was it just me? OMG) I realised there was an easy solution, that I was to think of, if I wasn't so damn "21st century girl" the easy solution; the simplest one in that was to; Let it be. 

I totally hijacked The Beatles just there, but its all good. I'm all about that Beatlemania! (I gets it) 

I have realised what my problem is; I think too much about things that don't require too much thinking. So what? Dylan wrote that song in ten minutes, and it makes no sense whatsoever, yet it has so much depth to it, man! just listen to it. So what? her face is as white as her shirt but her hands a different shade. So what? my friend's a feminist who I sometimes hate (really dislike. 'hate' is a strong emotion) So what? Life gives you lemon even though you're allergic. So what? I don't make sense and this post was entirely a waste of time and blog space. So what? I seriously considered getting a 'rapping' name. So what? I never read Animal Farm till this day (I find it somewhat condescending) So what? I'm all about that rhyming game. So what. 

Oh the irony. 

It's been a long day, I have deprived myself from sleep (only because I'm cool and busy; busy being cool) and also, whenever I leave my brain unsupervised, it usually tend to run in circles like that. Oh I wanna watch The Shining. Bye.

2013 is almost over bitches. (please let's refrain from using that word... actually, you know what? So what, go ahead, be my guest) 

In the end: Did I happen to make a point with this? Yay? Nay? If I didn't...
So what.

-- Oddly enough I never even say so what in real life; I always thought it to be an annoying phrase... Oh the irony. 

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